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Darwin Croc Cruise

Croc Head Image

Embark on an Unforgettable Darwin Croc Cruise

Prepare for an adrenaline-loaded adventure with our fun jumping crocodile cruises along the Adelaide River. As you step aboard our specially designed vessel, the excitement begins with our renowned Darwin Croc cruise, where you’ll witness the jaw-dropping spectacle of jumping crocodiles as we navigate the stunning waterways of the Darwin region.

Optimal Times to Take a Jumping Croc Cruise in Darwin

Our cruises last approximately two hours and are available all year round, so you can plan your adventure any time and create memories that will last a lifetime. The dry season, between May and September, is a great time for viewing as the water levels are lower. During these times, the crocodiles congregate along the riverbanks. The water is also clearer, so spotting them swimming in the river is easier. Since they are more active during this time, you are more likely to witness them jumping.


The best times to take a jumping croc river cruise in Darwin are at sunrise and sunset, as the crocs are more active then. During these times, they are more likely to be visible and engaged in various behaviours, including jumping to catch prey or to make their presence known. Additionally, the lighting conditions are more conducive to capturing high-quality photos and videos.


It’s important to note that crocodile behaviour can vary, and there’s always an element of unpredictability when observing wildlife. While we generally recommend early morning and late afternoon, specific crocodile activity can depend on factors such as weather, tides, and the individual behaviour of the crocodiles.

Experience the Marvel of Darwin’s Jumping Croc Cruises

Don’t miss your chance to partake in one of our jumping croc cruises in Darwin. We’ll provide an exceedingly unusual journey that brings you up close and personal with the inspiring beauty of Darwin’s jumping crocodiles. Book your cruise and prepare to capture incredible moments, create lasting memories, and immerse yourself in the remarkable world of jumping crocodiles.

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