Did you know the Northern Territory is home to over 100,000 wild crocodiles? These magnificent creatures attract thousands of visitors, and you can see them from any of the numerous Croc jumping cruises dotted along the Adelaide River. The Croc Bus will take you to your cruise with a short stop in Humpty Doo. This croc jumping tour stop is a crocodile country gem well worth visiting.
Humpty Doo is a charming Top-End town you may have heard about in country songs like The Man From Humpty Doo or the Humpty Doo Waltz. It’s also home to the Big Boxing Crocodile, which stands a staggering 13m tall! The giant reptile has been a local landmark since 1987 and is a must-see on your Aussie Croc tour.
Our tour bus takes you to Humpty Doo to see the boxing crocodile on your way to your Adelaide River cruise. Only 45 minutes from Darwin, this is our first stop for the day, where you can stretch, buy refreshments, and take a photo with the giant Croc! Please see our tour details to find your nearest pick-up/drop-off point in Darwin.
While our tour bus only makes a quick stop in the town, there’s more to see in Humpty Doo than the boxing crocodile! Revisiting the town is an easy day trip from Darwin, with many cosy accommodation options for an overnight stay in the bush. The Humpty Doo Hotel is the perfect base camp for a fruitful Barra fishing trip!
Whether you’re in Humpty Doo for croc jumping or want to see everything on Australia’s “Big Things” list, make time for the giant boxing crocodile! See Humpty Doo with The Croc Bus by securing your seat today.
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The Croc Bus
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